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Changing the Chatter around alcohol.

Exploring ways, we can live our best lives.

Playing around with podcasts, radio shows and talks to bring others into the conversation too.

Latest news/ What’s coming up

Season 2 – Out now September mini series started Friday 22nd September and runs for 6 weeks every Friday at 6pm


Our Podcasts & Radio Shows

About Us

Jennifer O’Donnell and Carlotta Allum have been friends for 27 years. They met in the early days of the rave scene back in the early 90’s and have partied hard together ever since. Now in their early fifties and with families who are flying the nest, they reflect on where their alcohol journey has taken them and how they can live their best lives with or without it.

In January 2023 they started a podcast to help discover if they could redefine their relationship with alcohol and explore how others manage this relationship too.

It’s immediate success has led to Two Trying Birds being set up as a CIC with a vision and a mission to change the conversation around alcohol and to help the people in our communities live their best lives.


We are part of a growing movement of people aspiring to redefine our relationship with alcohol in the UK.  We want to create a platform that openly supports a debate on moderation and abstinence and have a vision of a society that positively supports these choices without judgement.


The authenticity of our own journey will bring about change in how we approach the discussion around moderation or abstinence and our non-judgemental jump on or off the wagon approach will reach those who otherwise would never have entered the debate t

What we want to achieve

Boost the national conversation to change the cultural stigma around alcohol and its misuse in a fun and accessible way and particularly for those that consistently drink over the unit guidelines.

Connect and collaborate with people and organisations that are already in the conversation and can offer support and advise on the issue.

Point people in the direction of where they can find local support.

Shine a spotlight on behaviours and actions that do not help and discuss ways to shift the cultural norms.

Positively challenge the alcohol industry to provide low alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks and spaces that match their alcohol counterparts .

Our Programme

A 90-day Jan – March Abstinence podcast – give people the chance to have a go and see how far they can do or make a start where they cannot jump on or jump off the wagon without judgement

Mid – Sept to end October 4- 6 week reset where we explore wider issues / motivational speakers – get people thinking more moderately for Christmas

Where to get help

Professional Bodies

  • Drinkaware
  • Samaritans
  • AA
  • NA

Contcts from our shows

  • Steve
  • Mark
  • Lou
  • Brandon’s retreats
  • Sober Social Margate

Contact Us


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